Friday, November 11, 2016

Interview with Geoff Geoffries

CB-Hey Geoff, thank you so much for doing this interview with Canadian Brutality.

GG-Thanks Bob, I'm stoked you gave me the chance to share!

CB-The first question I would like to ask you is what is the name of the band you are currently in? Also, have you been in different bands previously other than this one?

GG-I'm currently in four bands. I play guitar in the slam band Gravitational Distortion, do vocals in an old school goregrind band Human Compost, drums in the funny deathgrind band Vesication and drums again in Brain Spasm... Hey, aren't you also in Brain Spasm? As you can see I'm kind of a slut who likes to be too busy with music. I live for this shit so it's hard to resist joining bands, especially when it's with my friends. I used to play in Envenomation on guitar. It's a shame Enveno never got further than the EP and the two gigs, we had a great thing going on. I also played in a band called Creep Colony, that was my first metal band and frankly looking back I cringe at all the things we did wrong. But that's how it works; it's a learning experience.

CB-What is the major part in the band that you play? What do you mostly do or contribute to your band?

GG-See above. I also contribute to the song writing in Gravitational and Vesication, and the lyrics/vocal patterns in Human Compost. I have zero creative role in Brain Spasm whatsoever, which I like. It's good to have different levels of input if you are in several bands, keeps it interesting. Oh and I also tend to handle audio production duties when it comes to recording these bands.

CB-Can you give us a little bio about yourself?

GG-Sure. I started playing music in my teens, back in the days of nu-metal. I started a band with my high school friends and we played a few covers by bands like Incubus, Finger Eleven, Tool. That's a little lame I guess but it's also the truth. Nu-metal is really simple to play though, and I needed something more technical to listen to and play. One day I saw the video for The Philosopher by Death on Much Loud (remember that shit? When Much actually cared about broadcasting music) and from there I got hooked on real metal. I started experimenting at that time with learning drums and audio as well. After high school I got in touch with my first metal band, I think I found them on Craigslist? We played a couple of those ripoff ticket selling gigs before we stumbled into our natural environment - the Toronto metal scene. I never really got into the lameness of 'adulting', I just played music for ten years and developed myself. It's good to have supportive parents. But now I'm all grown up and I've cut my dreadlocks off and am working a real job and having a marriage on the way... while being busier than ever with music! 

CB-How many albums, ep's, and/or demos have you released? 

GG-Envenomation - Pyogenic Harvest EP
Vesication - Hungry Hungry Herpes EP, Prepare Uranus full length, EP for my Bunghole EP
Human Compost - Degradation of a Virgin Corpse EP, The Cold Flesh EP, Reduced to Human Sludge EP, From the Grave They Crawl full length
Gravitational Distortion - The Void Between Worlds full length
Brain Spasm - Toxic Monstrosities EP on its way...

CB-Do you think the BDM in canada has changed over the years?

GG-I dunno, it's hard to say when it never really held one cohesive identity? It's always been diverse, it never had a defining sound like say California BDM.

CB-Is there a particular band that you think defines CBDM?

GG-Cryptopsy is the obvious choice. I don't even like them that much, but it is what it is.

CB-Do you have any major Canadian musician influences?

GG-This is kind of a twist on how to answer your question but I do: those influences are my fellow musicians who I play with. For instance Conner Bond in Envenomation demonstrated to me how much sicker gutturals can be, showing me things like nasal sounds and such. Y'know, when the mic goes on your nose instead of your mouth. Carlos, who played drums with me in Enveno and for a while Gravitational, got me into slam. Eddie in Vesication/Human Compost often shows me cool grind and powerviolence bands. My bandmates who are way more skilled than me keep me humble. Etc. 

CB-Can you tell me the name of one CBDM band you have seen live who blew you away?

GG-When I was in my first metal band we played a show with the early incarnation (Arrived in Pieces era) of Corprophemia. We were like 'who are these guys?' and they totally fucking destroyed. Also Orchidectomy, every single time they played. Back in those days my attitude was a bit different, I was more competitive, so I basically couldn't handle how good these bands were compared to us. Looking back all I can say is those were some good fucking times, and some brutal fucking sets.

CB-What would you say is the essential Canadian Brutal Death Metal album?

GG-Cryptopsy - None So Vile

CB-Are there any newer Canadian Brutal Death Metal bands you like or enjoy listening to? 

GG-Corprophemia are sick. Deformatory blew my mind with their technical tightness at last year's Ontario Death Fest. Blastomycosis play some solid ass death metal. Serene Molestation are pretty sweet and funny too. I hope I'm not forgetting any, there are probably a few more who stand out in my mind. I just found out about Mors Verum - very talented guitar and vocals, those boys need a rhythm section so they can start conquering! And while we're at it let's get Latrodectus a drummer as well!

CB-Can you tell me one of the funniest memories you have with the band?

GG-One time Human Compost was staying in a hotel in Oshawa and Eddie farted some thick stench. We went to get dinner and came back an hour later and the room was still uninhabitable. And later that night for some reason we were dying of laughter over some of Confucius' ancient chinese wisdom: 'Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.' It really is the little things that make being in a band hilarious.

CB-Would you like to share any advice for upcoming acts or anyone who would just like to start playing music in general?

CG-The scene is your friend. Be respectful to it and the people and bands within it, and you will be supported. Pimp your fellow bands on social media. At shows, share gear and be quick about getting your shit off the stage. It's not a competition, it's a collective. If you're a jackass with a rockstar attitude it will come back to bite you in the ass. 

CB-What is the best poutine you have ever eaten and where did you get it?

GG-Our (Vesication) buddy Max from Montreal brought us to a diner called The Green Spot and my fuck, that poutine is good!

We would like to thank Geoff for taking time out of his busy band schedule and doing this interview with us make sure you go check out all his bands and like and support.

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